Personality Profiling

There are many different assessments of personality, (sometimes referred to as psychometric testing) and at Infinite You we can offer access to a broard suite of assessments, so you can access the approach which best addresses the outcomes you are seeking.  We find this suite of assessment tools combine a simplicity of approach with the breadth of response which is required to provide a robust insight into how someone may 'fit' a given role or what areas they need to focus on in order to improve their performance and maximise their potential                                       

The assessment of the ability (e.g. verbal, numerical, or spatial reasoning) and/or the assessment of the personality of a person allows an organisation to   better understand how people are likely to perform   and behave at work. The profiles can be used in a  wide number of ways, from recruitment thorough too development or conflict resolution situations. No matter what your need, we have a psychometric approach which will meet your need, including 360 feedback tools.

Assessment methods can assist you and your organisation in many ways, here are just a few:

  • Effective recruitment
  • Improved employee retention
  • Conflict resolution
  • Personal development
  • Team development
  • Talent management
  • Assessment of ability e.g. Numerical or verbal reasoning

Click here if you want to get started.

"The Team Building Day which Infinite You ran for our group was an extremely enjoyable experience for our volunteers who found the various exercises instructive and useful. The outcome from this excellent training day was very positive and thanks to Infinite You our members achieved a better understanding of their roles, responsibilities and their individual strengths"
Volunteer Manager, Registered Charity